Staff Bio

Katherine Majewski

Librarian, UEP

Katherine (Kate) Majewski, MLS, is a librarian from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). She is a trainer, instructional designer and technical writer for NLM's User Engagement Program (UEP).

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials For Librarians: Databases, Tools and Clinical Applications (January - April 2024) This 14-week, 30 credit-hour, self-paced online class reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases.
Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials For Librarians: Databases, Tools and Clinical Applications (January 13 - April 18, 2025) This 14-week, 30 credit-hour, self-paced online class reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases.
Cancelled. NLM Office Hours: NLM Digital Collections Join us for the next National Library of Medicine (NLM) Office Hours. This session will focus on NLM Digital Collections, which provides access to the National Library of Medicine's distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care and the history of medicine.
Cataloging with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) This 90-minute webinar explores the use of MeSH in the cataloging environment.
Enhancing Bioinformatics Services in Minority Institutions (October 18, 2024) Librarians from Morehouse School of Medicine, Pacific University Oregon, and Adelphi University share their experiences growing and fostering bioinformatics programs at their institutions. This 1 hour webinar is part of the Evolution of Bioinformatics Services in Libraries Speaker Series (Fall 2024).
Expanding Bioinformatics Librarianship Beyond Academia (October 25, 2024) Discover how bioinformatics librarianship is expanding through the experiences of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia's Arcus Initiative and NIH Library services in bibliometrics, bioinformatics, biostatistics, and data visualization. This 1 hour webinar is part of the Evolution of Bioinformatics Services in Libraries Speaker Series (Fall 2024).
Finding and Using Health Statistics This online, self-paced course for librarians and students in health sciences describes different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and where they can be found.
Health Data Standards and Terminologies Explore the different types of health data standards and how they support interoperability of health information systems. Learn about relevant National Library of Medicine (NLM) terminology products, tools, and services in this on-demand, online class.
How PubMed Works: Selection This 90-minute class covers issues and concerns surrounding the current publishing landscape; the selection criteria for the different components of the PubMed database and NLM responsibilities and practices in collecting and providing access to the biomedical literature. MEDLINE and PMC staff will be available to answer audience questions.
Launching Bioinformatics Programs with Limited Resources (November 1, 2024) Librarians from University of Maryland, University of Pennsylvania and University of California, Berkeley share their experiences building bioinformatics programs when resources are limited.
This 1 hour webinar is part of the Evolution of Bioinformatics Services in Libraries Speaker Series (Fall 2024).

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