Reaching Black Audiences in a Digital World

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Event description/abstract
Learning how to connect your brand with diverse populations through digital platforms can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Targeting audiences of different multicultural backgrounds or socio-economic status is all based on your "understanding" of the target populations. Hence, what are the needs and interests of the population you are hoping to connect to? Once you figure this out you can begin to not only connect but increase engagement with your target audience. In this webinar you will learn the digital tools and partnerships Black Girl Health has used to target black women, black men, and different age groups to increase health awareness, engagement, and knowledge. While discussing lessons learned and next steps for Black Girl Health the audience will learn about the challenges you can face with outreach campaigns/events and how to successfully overcome them.

Guest speaker bio
Porcha Johnson is the Founder of Black Girl Health (BGH) dba BGH & Associates which is an 8a Certified Marketing Firm. She has six (6) years of experience in health advocacy and motivating women to live healthier lifestyles. And thirteen (13) years of experience as a TV news reporter and anchor. Ms. Johnson's motivation for starting BGH stems from her personal experience with fibroids and the lack of awareness among women of color about the impact diet and exercise has on reproductive health. The company serves the community through its marketing services, social media management, video productions efforts, health awareness campaigns that reach millions of people throughout the country, and through its BGH national membership with members from over 30 states in the US. The membership helps connect women with black health professionals and helps them stay on track to a healthier life in the comfort of their own homes with healthy recipes, daily workouts automatically sent to their email, and invitations to our virtual health and wellness events.
In 2019, Porcha expanded the Black Girl Health brand by starting Black Girl Health Foundation, which is a non-profit 501(c)3 that creates pathways to improve the health and quality of life of underserved black women through engagement, education, and empowerment. At the foundation the mission is to reduce racial and health disparities, increase health literacy, and produce changed behavior among black women. The work is centered around disease prevention, improving reproductive and mental health, and adapting healthier habits through nutrition and exercise.


By using Black Girl Health's successful outreach campaigns as an example, the public health audiences will learn the following:

  1. Increase knowledge of how to connect with African American audiences among public health staff and CBOs
  2. Increase knowledge on how to reach African American audiences using social media, partnerships and creating outreach campaigns
  3. Increase knowledge on how to develop effective evaluation strategies using digital media; such as outreach campaigns and live-stream events.

Class Details

Date(s): January 12, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 1.00
CE Categories: Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES)
This is a National NNLM class.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Sarah Levin-Lederer
Technical Assistance: Sarah Dickey