NNLM Member organizations provide health professionals and the general public with health information resources and services. If your organization is providing health information resources or services, please consider joining our Network!
NNLM National Initiatives and Priority areas represent issues, topics and activities that are important to NLM and NIH.
NNLM offers funding for projects that improve access to health information, increase engagement with research and data, expand professional knowledge, and promote awareness and use of NLM resources in local communities.
NNLM offers a variety of online, on-demand and in-person training opportunities to support professional development and continuing education for librarians, educators, and health professionals.
Browse NNLM’s curated collections that feature tools and programs, and informational materials from NLM, NIH, and other trusted sources of health information, research data, outreach toolkits, training opportunities, and much more.
Contact the NNLM Training Office for more information.