PubChem (On-Demand)

Class Experience Level
Beginner, Advanced

PubChem is the National Library of Medicine’s open chemistry database and the largest freely accessible reference tool for chemical information. This 2 MLA CE online, self-paced course is for anyone interested in chemical information walks users through the major functions and features of PubChem with interactive exercises and quizzes. This self-paced tutorial guides you through how to access chemical property and structure data that hundreds of academic, government and industrial sources contribute to PubChem.  It includes step-by-step directions for how to find chemical information using chemical names, identifiers, molecular formulas, gene symbols, proteins, pathways, taxonomies, and structures. It also shows you how to use the rich connections between PubChem and other resources (like PubMed) to explore chemical information further, and how to download chemistry data from PubChem.


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Locate information for a specific chemical in PubChem using an accepted identifier or structure 

Search PubChem with a gene, protein, pathway, or taxonomy to find related chemical information 

Identify the data source for chemical information in PubChem 

Find links within PubChem to literature, clinical trials, and reference materials 

Download data from PubChem 

Class Details

Platform: Moodle
CE Credits: 2.00
CE Categories: MLA
This is a National NNLM class.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Catherine Staley
Technical Assistance: