A Librarian's Guide to Consumer Health

Class Experience Level

This 4-week, 4 credit-hour self-paced online class covers the health information seeking behavior of consumers and the role of the librarian in the provision of health information for the public. Learn about the evolution of consumer health, health literacy and the e-patient, and expand your knowledge of top consumer health websites. We will discuss creative ideas for health information outreach in libraries and wrap up by exploring effective marketing approaches and developing an elevator speech. Expect to spend at least 4 hours working on this class.

By registering for this class, you are agreeing to the NNLM Code of Conduct

  • Learners will be able to explain how to review and compare consumer health resources and demonstrate knowledge of reputable, reliable resources through online class discussions and activities.
  • Learners will apply health literacy and public health content knowledge to use NLM resources to meet their unique community needs.
  • Learners will interpret demographic reports and recommend solutions.
  • Utilizing NLM resources, learners will develop a consumer health program that their library can use for promotion and community outreach.

Class Details

Date(s): April 1, 2025 - April 29, 2025
Platform: Moodle
CE Credits: 4.00
CE Categories: Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 1 , Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 2
This is a National NNLM class.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Jamia Williams
Technical Assistance: Rebecca Brown