Getting Started with the PHDL Version 2

Class Experience Level

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This course is a new version of a denser class that has been split into two separate classes. If your department is a member of the Public Health Digital Library (PHDL) program you have access to over 300 evidence-based resources including, trusted journals, e-books, and databases to support your work. If you are new to the PHDL this is the course for you!

Look for your department or organization in the directory of PHDL Program Members and Partner Libraries to confirm that your organization participates in the program. 

Join us to learn how to get started using the Public Health Digital Library (PHDL) to search and access full-text journal articles and other helpful resources to support evidence-based public health practice.

This webinar will get you acquainted with using PubMed to search the journal collection, introduce you to additional databases available within the collection, and briefly describe the process for accessing materials not available in the PHDL from your partner library.

You will need to be on your organization's network or working from your office, or log in to your single sign-on account, to access the PHDL central webpage.


This focuses on the basics of the PHDL to access full-text articles using tools on the central webpage or the PubMed search tool.

By the end of this session participants should be able to: 

List the types of resources available in the PHDL collection

Recognize when to browse the collection using the PHDL search tool and when to search PubMed.

Demonstrate how to find and access full-text articles in and outside of the collection based on  PubMed search results.

Class Details

Date(s): September 20, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 0.00
This class is sponsored by NPHCO.

Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Cecilia Vernes
Technical Assistance: