Decoding Copyright: A Guide to Legal Issues in Medical Librarianship from Fair Use to Force Majeure

Class Experience Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

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Legal issues permeate every aspect of medical librarianship. From collecting materials and offering instruction sessions to supporting researchers as they make and share their work, medical librarians need to know the fundamentals of copyright law and how they apply in a variety of situations. This course introduces the law and prepares medical librarians to spot legal issues and navigate common scenarios with confidence.

In addition to introducing copyright issues for medical librarianship, this course will also offer a short introduction to legal issues in publishing including understanding publishing contracts and compliance with NIH mandates for open sharing. Overall, this course will prepare you to understand legal issues so you can make good decisions in the library and support open access and data sharing across the field.

Will Cross is the Director of the Open Knowledge Center & Head of Information Policy at NC State University, an instructor in the UNC SILS, and an OER Research Fellow. Trained as a lawyer and librarian, he guides policy, speaks, and writes on open culture and navigating legal uncertainty.

As a course designer and presenter for ACRL, SPARC, and the Open Education Network, Will has developed training materials and workshops across the US and for international audiences from Ontario to Abu Dhabi. Will's current research focuses on the relationship between copyright and open knowledge. He serves as PI on four IMLS-funded projects including the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER, and the Library Copyright Institute.

  • Describe fundamental issues in copyright law as they apply to the practice of medical librarianship

  • Apply copyright's limitations and exceptions in their work and offer guidance in their areas to health care professionals, including researchers and instructors

  • Analyze publication contracts and apply legal principles to assure that NIH requirements are met

Class Details

Date(s): December 9, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Platform: Webex
CE Credits: 0.00
This class is sponsored by Region 1.

Class Contacts

Technical Assistance: DeAnn Brame

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