Building Reference Skills for Nursing and Allied Health Research

Class Experience Level

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This 3-week, 4 credit-hour self-paced online class is designed for library staff who support, or want to support, nursing and allied health professionals with NLM resources. This class provides an introduction to the professions of nursing and allied health, and explores NLM databases used by health professionals such as PubMed, LactMed, MedlinePlus and DailyMed. The class concludes with learners developing their own plan on how to use this information in their work.  Expect to spend about 4 hours learning in this class. 


After taking a 3 week, asynchronous online Moodle course, librarians providing information services to nurses and AH professionals will be able to:

1. Connect NLM resources to user needs when asked a reference question from a member of the nursing or allied health population.

For example, when asked about:

  • Research literature uses PubMed
  • Consumer health questions uses MedlinePlus
  • Drug information uses DailyMed, MedlinePlus Drugs, LactMed

2. Reflect upon how they can improve library services to nursing and allied health professionals in their particular work environment. 

Class Details

Date(s): April 4, 2022 - April 22, 2022
Platform: Moodle
CE Credits: 4.00
This class is sponsored by Region 6.
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Class Contacts

Host/Instructor: Erica Lake
Technical Assistance: Molly Knapp