Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs: Supporting Patients with Evidence-Based Information

This 1 credit hour on-demand course will cover differences between prescription and over the counter medications, data regarding use in the United States, and three free resources from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health: the NIDA website, DailyMed and LactMed.  The course includes a recorded presentation, demos of the resources, and guided exercises to try the resources hands-on. 

This presentation addresses increasing health information access and use by including information about the NLM/NIH resources LactMed, DailyMed and NIDA.

  • Describe some current challenges related to prescription and OTC drug use in the US using authoritative statistical sources 
  • Navigate the NIDA website to locate research, tools to support evidence-based practice, and patient education materials about substance abuse.
  • Find information about safety and adverse effects of common drugs and chemicals in lactating mothers using LactMed 
  • Retrieve FDA prescription drug labels using DailyMed  
Class Length

1 hour

Continuing Education

Sponsored by the Network of the National Library of Medicine, a designated provider of contact hours (CECH) in health education credentialing by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., this program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) to receive Category I continuing education contact hours.

This class is approved for 1 MLA CE credit.

This class meets the following CHIS Level 1 competencies:
C3. Knowledge of Subject Matter and Resources

This class qualifies as additional continuing education credit towards CHIS level 2.

This class is approved for 1 credit hour of State of Illinois continuing nursing education (CNE) credit information. NNLM is the CNE Presenter for this class. 

Illinois CNE Sponsor:  Medical Library Association, 225 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 650, Chicago, IL 60606. License No. 236.000169

Select this link for states that accept CNE from the State of Illinois

Class Owner(s)

Contact the NNLM Training Office for more information.

Class Instructor(s)

Contact the NNLM Training Office for more information.


Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration
Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs: Supporting Patients with Evidence-Based Information This 1 credit hour on-demand course provides an introduction to three free resources from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health: the NIDA website, DailyMed and LactMed. 1.00 Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES), Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 1 , Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 2, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) On
Event Title Event Start Date Summary Continuing Education Credits CE Categories Is Online Registration
Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs: Supporting Patients with Evidence-Based Information This 1 credit hour on-demand course provides an introduction to three free resources from the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health: the NIDA website, DailyMed and LactMed. 1.00 Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES), Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 1 , Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS), Level 2, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) On