NNLM Data Pathways

Logo: NNLM Data Pathways. Routes to data librarianship

Use this tool to explore NLM & NNLM courses, trainings, and webinars that align with your path to learning data librarianship. The items listed are recurring or on-demand offerings available to anyone at no cost. The selections below are areas of focus for data services. We focus on two distinct areas and a generalist track, but the uniqueness of the services provided and skills needed are just about as numerous as the number of institutions out there. All three options incorporate data ethics, inclusion, and accessibility as primary components, and all count toward Medical Library Association Data Services Specialization.

Areas of Focus

Select one of the three areas of focus below to see recommended offerings. Descriptions:

Unsure where to start? We recommend picking the Generalist track below.

  • Explore Generalist to have a broader perspective and awareness on the basics of data management and data science. 
  • Explore Data Management to focus on areas including data storage and security, metadata, and data curation and preservation. In this focus area, we cover topics including repositories, sharing requirements, file naming conventions, curation steps, and FAIR and CARE principles.
  • Explore Data Science to focus on areas including data use and interpretation. This focus area is focused broadly on data literacy skills primarily for quantitative data, including cleaning and structuring data, coding, and data visualization.

Training Categories

Within the selected area of focus, there are three types of trainings:

  • The Core Course provides a strong foundation for being able to start providing data management services. It also meets the core requirements of the MLA Level I DSS certificate. 
  • Don’t have the time to dedicate to the core course? Quick Learning options are for getting a quicker more introductory learning experience. These are 1-hour live workshops or on-demand modules. 
  • Level up with the Skill Building options to gain even more deeper knowledge or skills in an area of importance to you.



In the Generalist path, you can see resources and training opportunities to have a broad understanding of data librarianship. This path is recommended for those who are getting started and need to offer a wide variety of data services for their institution or for those who want the ability to grow further in any area of data librarianship.

Title / Description CEFormat
Research Data Services Landscape: How Do You Start and Where Does Your Library Fit In?      

This course is designed as an entry point for people unfamiliar with the field of research data services in libraries. The goal is to introduce what data services librarians work on and to present information on how learners can grow in this area. This includes mentioning other trainings offered by NNLM that would further their studies in data services. Learners will be able to describe the type of work done in data services and the subtopics found in data services.
MLA DSS badge1hrWebinar

Data Services On-Demand is a collection of asynchronous classes that cover a wide range of topics in data services. Each of the following modules are designed to stand alone, and they provide MLA CE credit. In addition, to earn your Medical Library Association Data Services Specialization (DSS) Level I certificate, you must meet core and elective requirements. Completing all of the following modules along with three elective credits in each of the five skill areas. More info: https://www.mlanet.org/page/data-services-specialization

Title CEFormat
Making Sense of Numbers: Communicating Numerical Health Information      1.5hrsWebinar
Health Statistics on the Web      1.5hrsWebinar
Data for Everyone    MLA DSS badge1hrWebinar

Title CEFormat

NCDS Annual Short Course (Topic changes each year)     

Series of sessions providing a deeper understanding into a data topic, including inclusion, ethics, accessibility, and AI.   

MLA DSS badge6hrsWebinar

Data Management

In the Data Management path, you can learn about trainings, resources, and other offerings for data storage, data sharing, quality control, data description, and data curation. This path is recommended for people interested in data management, data curation, or data repository and other related library roles.

Title CEFormat
Fundamentals of Health Sciences Research Data Management     MLA DSS badge32hrsScheduled

Title / Description CEFormat
Data Services On Demand Series* Module: Research Data ManagementMLA DSS badge4hrsOn-Demand
Data Services On Demand Series* Module: Research Data Sharing      MLA DSS badge4hrsOn-Demand
Research Data Management Training for Information Professionals    

An online series of 5 lessons on the data lifecycle, working with researchers, and data documentation.
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Overview Webinar   

A presentation on the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy that went into effect January 2023.
MLA DSS badge1hr

Webinar or 


Title / Description CEFormat
Data Management Sharing Policy (DMSP) Webinar Recordings On-Demand    

This series features talks about the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy and what librarians are doing to work with that policy. It includes the background and context the policy, and an in-depth look at how people are addressing it.
MLA DSS badge5.5hrsOn-Demand
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Immersion Workshop On-Demand    

This on-demand workshop provides an extensive look at the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy which went into effect January 25, 2023. The workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources.
MLA DSS badge6hrsOn-Demand
Creating Data Management Plans with DMPTool    

A presentation showing the capabilities of the DMPTool in order to create a data management plan.
MLA DSS badge1hrWebinar
Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection: A Tutorial    

Making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) starts well before data collection. Designing studies with common data elements (CDEs) can enable data sharing and reuse. Librarians and other information professionals have an important role in educating and assisting researchers in the use of CDEs. Whether you are a research data librarian or assist researchers in finding sources, this one-hour, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine can help you understand how you can support the use of common data elements (CDEs) in creating FAIR data.
Standardize Your Research Data with the NIH Common Data Element Repository    

On March 29, 2023, Catherine Staley from the Office of Engagement and Training and Robin Taylor from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) MEDLARS Management Section (MMS) hosted the training Standardize Your Research Data with the NIH Common Data Elements Repository. Through live demonstrations and hands-on exercises, this course introduces you to common data elements (CDEs) and the NIH Common Data Elements Repository (CDE-R).

NCDS Annual Short Course (Topic changes each year)     

Series of sessions providing a deeper understanding into a data topic, including inclusion, ethics, accessibility, and AI.   

MLA DSS badge6hrsWebinar

Data Science

In the Data Science path, the offerings provide training and insight into the concepts, skills, and resources around data literacy – or the ability to read, interpret, explore, and communicate data. This path is recommended for data science, social science data, data analysis, and other related library roles.

Title CEFormat
Fundamentals of Health Data Science MLA DSS badge32hrsScheduled

Title / Description CEFormat
Greatest Crimes in Statistics (in development)   MLA DSS badge1.5hrWebinar
Drive-Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast     

On December 6, 2022, Mike Davidson from the Office of Engagement and Training hosted Drive-Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast. This webinar is aimed at librarians and other information professionals who are familiar with NLM's products and services, but want to explore NLM data in new ways.
Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials For Librarians: Databases, Tools, and Clinical Applications    

Self-paced class that reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases.

Navigating New Norms: Harnessing Generative AI for Library Services and Solutions

This open educational resource provides the materials and recordings for learning from and adapting the short course teaching generative AI.

 7 htsOER

NCDS Annual Short Course (Topic changes each year)     

Series of sessions providing a deeper understanding into a data topic, including inclusion, ethics, accessibility, and AI.

MLA DSS badge6hrsWebinar


Read, K. B., Surkis, A., Larson, C., McCrillis, A., Graff, A., Nicholson, J., & Xu, J. (2015). Starting the data conversation: informing data services at an academic health sciences library. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 103(3), 131–135. https://doi.org/10.3163/1536-5050.103.3.005


NNLM Data Repository Finder - use this tool to locate NIH-supported repositories for sharing research data. (Product Guide: file download)

NLM Dataset Catalog - a catalog of biomedical datasets from various repositories. (Product Guide: file download)

NLM-Scrubber - a freely available clinical text deidentification tool. (Product Guide: file download)


NCDS Internship Data Librarianship Guide - resource guide with relevant links for entering and learning about data services that Aundria Parkman, NCDS Data Internship Participant, created.

NNLM Data Glossary - site which connects and defines concepts, services, and tools relevant to librarians working in data services.

DCN Curation Glossary - webpage of terms relevant to curation practices for research data.

NIH Common Data Elements Repository - find NIH-endorsed common data elements (CDEs), which help researchers share and combine datasets, meet funding requirements, and save time. (Product Guide)

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Toolkit - a selection of guides, toolkits, and other resources for librarians working on addressing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.

Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry Lessons - online versions of The Carpentries workshops which teach researchers the skills and perspectives to work more effectively and reproducibly with data and software.