


The term "data" does not have one clear definition and can be interpreted differently depending on the context, such as a researcher’s field of study. Examples of data are tables of numbers, transcripts of interviews, survey results, images, video or audio recordings, and genomic data. The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy defines data as “The recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly publications.” While a blood sample or observations in a lab notebook may be considered data, the NIH Policy specifically excludes these, highlighting the caveat that depending on the context, the specific definition of scientific data may differ.


There are many resource to locate data, including


Relevant Literature

Research data in Context’ module of the MANTRA Research Data Management Training tutorial

Data Types section of the DMPTool's Data Management General Guidance

Library of Congress Recommended Format Statement

last updated: 06/23/22 00:32