Subaward Project

Veteran Telehealth

The South Burlington (VT) Library is planning to open in a brand-new facility shortly. A number of VA staff (named in the attached Project Proposal) have been meeting periodically with South Burlington Library Director Jennifer Murray to discuss the inclusion of a Veterans' telehealth space in the new library, as well as the details of how it would work.


Project Lead: Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center - White River Junction
Project Lead: Loretta Grikis


Age Group: Adults (19-64 yrs.), Seniors (65+ yrs.)
Sexual & Gender Minorities: Women
Geographic Type: Medically Underserved Areas/Populations
Issues & Interests: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve: Library or Information Professional

Award Details

Funding Source: Region 7
Project Category: Improvement
Period of Performance: Sep 10, 2021 - Apr 30, 2022
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding

Federal Fiscal Year 2021: $3,620