Subaward Project
Improving Access to Health Information through a Community Center Collaboration
To support the health information literacy needs of the local community, this grant proposal partners the University of Florida’s Health Science Center Libraries (HSCL) ( and The Pride Community Center of North Central Florida (PCCNCF) ( The project’s overarching aim is to improve access to quality health information for underserved populations in North Central Florida, specifically Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Plus (LGBTQIA+) populations through the development of an updated health information collection, the creation of an engaging health information literacy resource, and by providing trainings on finding and using health information resources. This project supports the Network of the National Library of Medicine’s (NNLM) mission to improve public health by enhancing access to health information for underserved groups, and empowering people to make effective use of information for health decision-making. PCCNCF offers safe spaces, resources, services, and events to foster and enhance the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people. PCCNCF is an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is volunteer-led and has been open to the public since 2002, serving 13 counties in North Central Florida. The Center includes The Audre Lorde Library, an honor-system lending library with approximately 2000 borrowable print books. The library has a small collection of outdated health books. The volunteers of the PCCNCF Library Committee, including the PI of this grant proposal Jane Morgan-Daniel, are currently formalizing the cataloging and lending processes of the Audre Lorde Library; these processes will be completed by June 2024. This project has the following five health information and educational components: 1. Purchasing print books on health topics for the Audre Lorde Library to improve access to health information tailored for LGBTQIA+ people and their families. A sample of proposed book titles is attached with the proposal. The book collection topics, as requested by PCCNCF’s Library Committee, include: a. Mental health, trauma recovery, and spirituality b. Disabilities, neurodivergence, and autism c. Navigating health care systems and patient advocacy d. Substance use disorders e. Reproductive and sexual health, including HIV/AIDS f. Suicide prevention and harm reduction g. Minority stress and resiliency h. Intimate partner violence and healthy relationships i. Body image j. Healthy aging k. Family building and parenting 2. Creating a health information station in the Audre Lorde Library to promote awareness of and access to NIH/NLM health resources. The station would encompass: a. Two Chromebooks to enable access to a health webpage created for this project (further explained in point 4 below), as well as the library catalog b. A printer, so that online health information could be printed out by library visitors c. Printed copies of a zine created for this project (further explained in point 3 below) d. Printed physical copies of consumer health and health literacy resources in English and Spanish (including the NLM MedlinePlus Magazine (, the NIH Talking with Your Doctor Guide (, and the Institute for Healthcare Advancement’s Easy-to-Read Health Books ( written at 3rd-5th grade levels) e. Librarian contact information for consumer health questions (the University of Florida Health Science Center Libraries’ Consumer Health Librarian and the Community Engagement and Health Literacy Liaison Librarian) 3. Collaboration with an artist ( to produce a zine in the form of a 12-page diary comic tailored for LGBTQIA+ audiences on how to talk to your health provider and how to find inclusive health information. The zine would also enhance awareness of the library’s health-related book collection by promoting the library catalog and the webpage (described below). 4. Creation of a webpage (using GitHub Pages or Wix website) to facilitate access to and education on culturally and linguistically diverse online consumer health resources (including (, the All of Us Research Program (, and MedlinePlus ( PCCNCF’s website will link to the webpage which will be publicly available. The webpage would be promoted through the Chromebooks at the health information station in the library, as well as through the zine. 5. Face-to-face and virtual community engagement and outreach with HSCL librarians through: a. An in-person consumer health training session tailored for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their families organized into five sections: i. Understanding health literacy; the importance of using reputable consumer health resources to avoid misinformation; evaluating online health information for trustworthiness (e.g., MedlinePlus Evaluating Health Information (; inclusive sources for reliable and up-to-date health information (e.g., MedlinePlus LGBTQIA+ Health ( resources, Gay & Lesbian Medical Association (, National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging (; and how to prepare for a visit with your health provider (e.g., Ask Me 3 ( ii. Graphic medicine (the intersection of comics and healthcare) and how it can be used to discuss complex and difficult health topics iii. Accessing and using consumer health drug information resources (e.g., MedlinePlus Medicines (, Pill Identifier (, Merck Manual Consumer Version ( iv. Consumer health resources on genetics (MedlinePlus Genetics ( and participating in medical research (the All of Us Research Program ( and ( v. Finding evidence-based research on LGBTQIA+ health topics through PubMed ( and PubMed Central ( b. An educational video focusing on how to find sexual and reproductive health information for LGBTQIA+ populations with low health literacy, recorded by the Community Engagement and Health Literacy Liaison Librarian, and hosted on the webpage described above. c. Tabling with consumer health information at the upcoming Gainesville Pride Festival (, at which over 6,000 attendees are expected. Sample health information resources for tabling are attached to this proposal. Tabling at future Gainesville Pride Festivals from 2025 onwards after the close of this project would also include promotional flyers for PCCNCF’s health books and the health webpage, as well as copies of the zine.