NNLM Region 5 Professional Development Award to Erlinda C. Naputi - Joeten-Kiyu Public Library

To support the development of asynchronous Racial Equity Consciousness learning modules for use by public library professionals, the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 5 is engaging Erlinda Naputi to pilot test learning activities and provide feedback on experiences. The provider will commit to engage in pilot activities.

  • Complete pre- and post-surveys
  • Engage with and provide feedback on all core materials in two learning modules
  • Complete asynchronous knowledge assessments, learner satisfaction surveys, bug reports, and other types of reporting or evaluation instruments as needed
  • Attend 3 virtual one-hour check-in meetings
  • Attend 1 virtual focus group at the end of the project


  • Complete pre- and post-surveys, one each per staff member
  • Meet completion criteria for two learning modules, including access and engagement with learning materials, knowledge assessment, learner satisfaction surveys, bug reports, and other types of reporting or evaluation instruments as identified
  • Participation in 3-4 virtual sessions / meetings


  • Work on this project will be performed remotely at Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, Susupe, Northern Mariana Islands 96950


Project Lead: Erlinda Naputi


Award Details

Funding Source: Region 5
Project Category: Professional Development
Project Status: Awarded

Project Funding