Subaward Project

Professional Development Award Y3

Outreach and networking are at the core of what CHWS do. MPCA wants to ensure that CHWS have the proper knowledge, resources, and tools to do so. In May 2018, we designed a peer learning network of Community Health Workers working in CHCs across the state. Participation is open to any CHW working in a Missouri Community Health Center. Learning Network meetings are held virtually 5-6 times per year and include: Face to Face meetings, Webinars, Networking opportunities, Training Opportunities. As trusted members of their community, the work that the CHWs engage in at the health centers is necessary and important. While we recognize their contributions, CHWs are among the lowest paid public health workers. They are often overworked, underappreciated and under resourced. This places CHWs at risk for many of the non-medical factors and barriers that they assist patients with every day as well as increased risk of chronic disease and decrease mental wellness. MPCA utilizes the Peer Learning Network Meeting to provide an opportunity to CHWs to connect with the peers state-wide. CHWs are able to learn about self care, wellness, resources, programs, trainings, supportive services at a statewide level as well as a national level. CHWs can connect with others who are doing the work and brainstorm work plan strategies and develop best practices. The CHW Peer Learning Network agendas are developed with input from the CHWS and highly flexible to the needs of the CHWs. The CHW Peer Learning Network is driven by the needs and requests of CHWs and CHWs participate in the planning of the meetings



Award Details

Funding Source: Region 3
Project Status: Completed

Project Funding