Past Funded Projects

This page includes awards made during the previous NNLM award period (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2021).

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Title Summary Project Period
Customer Relations Database

Currently we cannot track if a client who accesses the SSP has also been tested or has received Narcan. We cannot track if they are a client of Client Services, if they have seen their primary care provider, are in treatment for HIV, or are completing their treatment to be cured of Hepatitis C. A central database would not only consolidate services across the agency, but would also be vital to coordinate care and track health outcomes -whether that is attaining an undetectable viral load in the case of HIV or achieving a cure in the case of HCV.

October 2, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Professional Development Award 90: Quality Service Training

The 'Quality Service' training offered by the Disney Institute will help me better understand the needs of the patients and families/caregivers I serve by putting the right guidelines and service standards into place. I will gain insight into how better to reach and relate with the population I serve as the Consumer Health Librarian for Orlando Health. After experiencing and learning in this customer service based training, I will leave with tools and ways in which to connect and share valuable health related information.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Professional Development: MLA Symposium 2018 Support, Scichilone

Award will help public librarian recipient attend MLA Symposium/Health Information for Public Librarians 2018. Description: The symposium, of interest to both public librarians and health sciences librarians, offers programming in the area of health information for the public. It also provides a unique opportunity for public and health sciences librarians to network.

April 18, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Emerging Leader- Jo

The NNLM SCR is partnering with the South Central Academic Medical Libraries Consortium SCAMeL to offer the Emerging Leaders Award. The purpose of this award is to motivate and prepare a librarian for a position of leadership in an academic health sciences library. The award will pair a librarian with a SCAMeL academic health sciences library director who will serve as his or her mentor. The SCAMeL volunteer mentor will introduce the award recipient to the financial and administrative roles and responsibilities of a health sciences library director.

October 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Community Health Workshop: Promoting Healthy Communities by Increasing Knowledge

The Community Health Workshop project seeks to utilize and build on the role of community spaces such as libraries, senior centers, and community centers to facilitate access to knowledge and promote action amongst the underrepresented and underserved in Tarrant County, specifically the Hispanic and African American populations. The proposed project introduces community members to reliable consumer health information from the National Library of Medicine.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Professional Development Award 121 Shepherd Center

I will present at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine on a project I have been participating in for the past year about electronic portals. Electronic portals enable people to engage in personal healthcare choices and manage on-going care. The Patient Engagement Portal PEP, developed by two large rehabilitation hospitals that could not find an off-the-shelf solution to meet their population needs, is an easy to use tool for patients with physical and/or cognitive disabilities.

October 26, 2017 - April 30, 2018
A Geographically Focused Health Information Outreach Project

Zip code 75212 is an economically disadvantaged area of West Dallas. There are numerous organizations in this 11 square mile area that are trying to help residents. We can partner with several of these organizations to provide training on finding free authoritative health information. We have existing established relationships or have communicated with a community organization, a public library, a recreation center, and a church to provide health information services to 75212 residents.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Levy Library Press and 94 Journal of Health Advocacy and Education

The Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine is seeking funding to support the establishment of a Levy Library Press that will host a new open access 94 journal that will publish inter-professional research, case studies, and other scholarly articles focused on health advocacy and education and will serve as a knowledge hub in these areas. The journal will not charge authors or users and all content will be freely available online.

December 18, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Patient Empowerment: Using Information Resources to Improve Health Communication

Building on the success of our 2016-17 funded project, 'Outreach to Consumers to Improve Health Literacy,' we will strengthen the capacity of local public librarians to offer consumers direct assistance in researching health topics and preparing for medical appointments.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Outreach: Latino health and well-being workshop series

In the interest of providing greater access to culturally competent and linguistically relevant health services to Minnesota's Latino communities, CLUES requests funding from the NNLM to support developing, planning, and piloting a new Health and Wellbeing workshop series. The workshops will take place in areas of Minnesota where large communities of Latinos live and work, including southern Minnesota in areas such as Mankato, Willmar, and Austin.

November 3, 2017 - April 30, 2018
HPV and Cancer Prevention Education for Oral Health Providers

Human papillomavirus HPV remains the major cause of oropharyngeal and cervical cancer. Brigham and 92's Hospital BWH and Team Maureen have collaborated to promote educational efforts for dentists and dental hygienists on the connection of HPV and related cancers. Educational materials in the form of a downloadable Toolkit, were developed from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine NLM resources for use by oral health professionals to educate their patients about the connection between HPV and related cancers and to promote HPV vaccination as cancer prevention.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Health Information Outreach in Shale Gas Communities

EHP is requesting a grant award in the amount of $5,000.00 to disseminate health information throughout counties in Southwest Pennsylvania experiencing unconventional oil and gas development UOGD. The goal of this project is to enhance resilience in these communities in the face of widespread UOGD in recent years. In addition to enhancing resilience, the goals of this project are to decrease community-level stress and to improve mental and physical health.

September 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Professional Development: MLA Symposium 2018 Support, Massero

Award will help public librarian recipient attend MLA Symposium/Health Information for Public Librarians 2018. Description: The symposium, of interest to both public librarians and health sciences librarians, offers programming in the area of health information for the public. It also provides a unique opportunity for public and health sciences librarians to network.

February 15, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Development of Patient Education Professional Practice Guidelines to Promote Health Literacy

The purpose of this project is to begin the process of developing concise patient education practice guidelines for health professionals which emphasize health literacy strategies. The Health Care Education Association HCEA will develop practice recommendations for patient education processes to effectively and efficiently meet the health literacy demands of patients/consumers. To support this endeavor HCEA, is requesting funds for the services of a medical librarian to conduct a literature search.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
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