Past Funded Projects

This page includes awards made during the previous NNLM award period (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2021).

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Title Summary Project Period
Outreach Library 2017-2018: Indiana University Ruth Lilly Medical Library

Serve as a partner outreach library, offering training and promotion of NLM resources on behalf of the GMR.

September 26, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Professional Development Award 126 P.I. Advocates 94 Inc.

Pay a trainer to facilitate three train-the-trainer workshops per month 5 months for a total of 15 workshops for two new outreach teams 2 people per team=4 people in facilitating PIA's health literacy classes in underserved communities. Trainees will accompany the trainer on community workshops and practice facilitating the workshops after two months. Trainees will receive a certificate of completion after final class,

September 9, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Augmenting Reality: Building the Health Profession Pipeline

The Medical Education department of Maine Medical Center strives to grow the next generation of medical professionals to serve the people of the state of Maine. We seek to engage students in underrepresented populations and in areas of high need. Our pilot program will target refugee and economically disadvantaged high school students in York and Cumberland Counties in fall 2018 and expand to the 95 Knox and Waldo Counties of the midcoast region in 2019.

February 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Couples Team Work: Promoting Access to Information and Resources for Vulnerable Populations

Couples Team Work is a program for couples in which one partner has a chronic illness and the other is transitioning into a role of partner/caregiver. Couples work together to support each other's needs by learning about and developing systems to enable them to make informed decisions about their health.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Health Information Outreach Award 115: 'TORDS'- Technology Outreach to Reduce health Disparities and Stigma

McDowell Cares- is a non-profit/profit collaboration in the Town of Northfork, McDowell County, West Virginia. This collaboration between South Central Educational SCED and Bennady's Restaurant formed out of the owners concerns of the lack of health equity, youth leadership, and the area's poverty levels. This partnership will provide 95 community residents with access to electronic health information, prevention interventions and internet access to reliable quality health information and resources.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
HPV-Oro-pharyngeal cancer education for Boston area youth

The main aim of this project is to implement three HPV educational interventions in the Boston area to improve knowledge, attitude and comfort levels of OHPs in being able to talk to their young patients and parents regarding HPV. The ultimate goal of the project is to increase HPV awareness and knowledge and promote HPV vaccination.

February 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Health Information Outreach Award 118: MaFlo's Health and Awareness Team Internet/Computer Training

The project that we want to do will be teaching Participants how to use the Internet/Computer to find reliable health information online using the and NN/LM SE/A websites. We plan to continue our project we started pairing Senior Citizens with 87 so that the 87 could teach the Senior Citizens how to use the Amazon Fire 8 HD Tablet to find online reliable health information on the internet using

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
P.I.L.L.A.R. Providing Information at Local Libraries to Assist Recovery

Cambria County ranks third in the State of Pennsylvania for drug-related deaths per 100,000 persons. While numerous county agencies are focused on controlling the drug-traffic and use within the county, there is limited focus on the families impacted by the death of a family member. To provide support for families who are struggling with understanding their situation, this project will use the network of 14 public libraries and four academic libraries in the county to create centers for information on drug and alcohol abuse and dealing with loss.

December 18, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Outreach Library 2017-2018: University of Wisconsin Ebling Library

Serve as a partner outreach library, offering training and promotion of NLM resources on behalf of the GMR.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Just Look It Up Event

Background Based on the data collected through the key informant interviews conducted during Q1 and Q2 the need for teen education in the area of sexual health, specifically for HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases was identified. The data also suggested an need for education about how to evaluate online health information for accuracy. The following proposal outlines a plan to implement a focused outreach event to train Boston area leaders who work with 87 to learn about HPV and other STDs and how to evaluate online health information for accuracy.

February 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
Youth Health Literacy Challenge

The UT Health San Antonio Libraries serve as a Resource Library of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine for the South Central area of Texas. The major health concerns facing residents of South Central Texas continue to include diabetes, communicable diseases, cancer, and obesity. It is commonly accepted that health literacy rates remain low in the U.S. population at large but at even lower rates in underserved, Hispanic, and immigrant populations, which are large populations in South Central Texas.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Medical Library Project Award 95: Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace is relatively unknown in the United States. However, this early 19th century woman and gifted mathematician is generally credited with being an early computer visionary and the first computer programmer. Her partnership with renowned mathematician Charles Babbage and expansion on his work on the 'Analytical Machine' resulted in what is regarded as the first computer program.

August 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
VR Studio Discovery Space

The health sciences campus at the University of Utah is very interested in virtual reality VR applications. These serious VR applications revolve around education for patients, students, and health professionals, training simulations, and immersive experiences. There is no centralized place on the health sciences campus for people to learn or use VR. There are smaller groups who routinely use VR, but their objective is not to expose or teach others VR. As a library, we can fill this need as a place of VR play and educational how-to.

August 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
Technology Improvement Award 89: Mobile Health Literacy Classes 2017

For 17 years P. I. Advocates 94, Inc. PIA has forged meaningful partnerships with community and faith organizations as a 'mobile' training program. PIA has perfected a 2.5hr hands-on computer workshop designed specifically for disproportionately served neighborhoods. Being 'mobile' has allowed PIA to train community members where they live and/or work. We need to updated our training equipment for the three outreach teams operating in the Washington Metropolitan Area.

May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
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