Past Funded Projects

This page includes awards made during the previous NNLM award period (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2021).

On this Page
Title Summary Project Period
Preparing for Your Future and Aging Well

This project will offer programming and access to quality health information via a series of "Aging Well" programs and the development of a dedicated web page with links to reputable health information resources such as Medlineplus, National Institute on Aging, Medicare, and the local Area Agency on Aging. The NIH initiative would be promoted through a link on the new Healthy Links web page as well as mentioned at the beginning of each Aging Well program.

October 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Let's Combat Micrographia:

Micrographia is derived from micro- which means small and -graphia which means writing. Small, cramped writing is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease. A symptom that arrives early on but one that many patients learn about in later years of their disease. The Art Cart has developed an interactive workbook, Let's Combat Micrographia, to help this population learn ways to improve their hand dexterity and handwriting. Our interactive workbook was published in 2016 and since then we created a Let's Combat Micrographia workshop series to work with patients in a group setting.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Mobile Systems Education and Resources for Consumer Health MSEARCH 2018

Mobile Systems Education and Resources for Consumer Health MSEARCH 2018 is an electronic skill building program focused on educating 89 in Harris County on how to navigate National Libraries of Medicine NLM health information resources using mobile device technology. The program will address the information-seeking needs of 89 while providing ready access to NLM online information resources.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Native Voices Traveling Exhibit

The Savitt Medical Library will be a host site for the National Library of Medicines NLM Native Voices Traveling Exhibit. The Library will use funding to work with Native American communities in Northern Nevada to plan events surrounding the exhibit, including an opening reception and a speaker event. The speaker event will be on Food Sovereignty and Native American Nutrition. These events and the exhibit will be promoted to local Native American communities, the University community, and to Northern Nevada clinicians.

December 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Upgrade your Health: Using Technology to Master Health and Wellness Management

In our proposed project, Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Centers will design a six-week program called Upgrade Your Health!, addressing digital health literacy disparities by leveraging online and mobile technology. This course supports learners in managing their health beyond the clinician's office and integrating NLM and NNLM resources into their health management strategies, enabling learners to increase their knowledge and skills around critical health and wellness topics and chronic illnesses common in our patient population.

May 15, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Expanding the Public Health Museum's educational community outreach programs 2018-2019

This project will establish an Outbreak! Alumni Leadership Club. Outbreak! is a free five day interactive program that offers high school students the opportunity to learn the history and impact of public health, while also introducing students to diverse public health careers. The Outbreak! program will incorporate NLM information and resources. Additionally, this project will expanding community engagement and outreach about public health with the 125.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Using National Library of Medicine resources to reduce lead poisoning in 86

The project will train approximately 100 caseworkers from three local organizations in Lancaster Country how to access the National Library of Medicine NLM resources for public health information and use materials developed from those NLM resources to improve the quality of the health information for the thousands of underserved families they reach over the course of a year. Lead poisoning will be the main topic covered and a handout for clients will be customized for each organization on this topic.

May 15, 2018 - April 30, 2019
AoU Community Engagement 267 - Improving Health Information Literacy with the EVMS Library: A Hampton Roads Community Initiative

As one of the only medical schools in the nation founded by a grassroots effort from the local community, Eastern Virginia Medical School EVMS is committed to addressing our communitys most pressing health needs through our educational, research, and clinical programs. The Edward E. Brickell Medical Sciences Library EVMS Library shares in this commitment and believes that an Community Engagement Project award aligns with our vision.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Preparing Arkansas Patient 12s and Nurse 12s to Use Authoritative Consumer Health Resources

This project will create a consumer health resources course with nursing continuing education credit paired with an online guide to train nursing and patient 12s to find, evaluate, and use reliable consumer health and genetics resources. The course and online guide will be piloted at the local hospitals including the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences UAMS during the first half of the award period, allowing for updates and revisions. Then the course will be taught to nurse and patient 12s in hospitals and clinics throughout the state.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
HOPE Directory: Bringing Health Organization's Programs and Events together

As a resource library for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine NNLM, the Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library will establish of a directory of local health organization's programs and events called the H.O.P.E. Directory. The establishment of this directory will help centralize access to reliable and authoritative local information, raise awareness of the role of resource libraries, and generate collaboration between organizations.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Dementia Friendly Nahant

Dementia Friendly Nahant brings the national Dementia Friendly America model to the local level. Nahant has an aging population, with an estimated 102 people experiencing some form of dementia and an estimated 168 people often family members caring for them, impacting nearly 8% of Nahant' s population . As the population continues to age, this percentage will continue to rise.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
- Creative Aging Active and Moving

Eight Brooklyn Public Library locations will host eight-week Creative Aging: Active and Moving programs focused specifically on social dancing for older 88 ages 55+. 160 participants will each complete 16 hours of physical activity over the course of the program and perform a final dance for friends and family at a culminating event. Participants will learn about NLM resources and become aware of health information available at the library.

December 15, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Research Program Community Engagement Project: Washington County, Maine 2018-2019

Through the proposed project, Healthy Acadia will work across Washington County, Maine, to plan and conduct community engagement activities, centered on increasing access to and awareness of National Library of Medicine NLM resources, with a particular emphasis on research/clinical trials, the project, and the role of the community in advancing medicine.

October 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
Research Program Community Engagement Project: Hancock County, Maine 2018-2019

Through the proposed project, Healthy Acadia will work across Hancock County, Maine to plan and conduct community engagement activities, centered on increasing access to and awareness of National Library of Medicine NLM resources, with a particular emphasis on research/clinical trials, the project, and the role of the community in advancing medicine.

October 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019
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