Past Funded Projects

This page includes awards made during the previous NNLM award period (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2021).

On this Page
Title Summary Project Period
Media Health Effects: A Tool for 133s

The explosion of digital technologies in the 21st Century has not only transformed the ways in which we learn, communicate, and live, but also created a public need for evidence-based answers on how we can mindfully incorporate media and technology into our lives.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Human Genetics Film Series for Public Libraries

The NNLM Community Engagement Center CEC has been awarded an amount of $181,857 to pilot a human genetics program-in-a-kit film series, in cooperation with the Iowa Institute of Human Genetics IIHG, for public libraries. The NNLM will send approximately 250 film kits to small and 95 libraries, in cooperation with the Association of 95 and Small Libraries ARSL and the Public Libraries Association PLA. The purpose of this activity is to educate the public about human genetics, raise awareness of the NIH Research Program 71 and encourage public libraries to become members of NNLM.

October 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
AoU 340 North Carolina Engage for Health - Phase 2

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill UNC Health Sciences Library HSL, part of the University Libraries, will implement a training program for library staff, students, and the public using and adapting the NNLM Engage for Health curriculum, and the Middle Atlantic Region of NNLMs class, entitled, Patient Empowerment: Using Health Information Resources to Improve Health Communication.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
AoU 312 Health Happens in Libraries!

The West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine WVSOM James R. Stookey Library, and the WVSOM Center for 95 and Community Health CRCH, are collaborating to provide health information to the public at libraries in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Greenbrier County is a 95 county in West Virginia with 35,287 population, according to the United States Census Bureau in 2017. Greenbrier County is the second largest county in West Virginia, with 1,021 square miles. Within Greenbrier County there are six public libraries, all serve 95 populations.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Healthy Communities in Fulton County, Illinois HCFCI

The Healthy Communities in Fulton County, Illinois HCFCI project is a collaboration between the University of Illinois at Chicagos Library of the Health Sciences in Peoria UIC LHSP, the Western Illinois Universitys School of Nursing WIU SON, and public libraries in Fulton County. In this project, librarians, nursing professors, and nursing students will work with public libraries to provide health fairs for the public.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Partners in Engaging Diverse Populations in Research

Engagement of diverse populations in clinical research studies is crucial for ensuring that the needs of these groups are represented in scientific outcomes. Members of minority groups participate in research studies at much lower rates than white individuals Colon-Otero, 2008. These disparities in research participation can exacerbate already existing racial/ethnic differences in health outcomes Smedley, 2002.

December 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Dementia & Research Awareness Project for Public Libraries

The Dementia & Research Awareness project embodies the NNLM Public Library Partnership Award mission in two vital ways. One, by focusing on one group of underserved individuals that libraries are just beginning to serve those living with dementia and their care partners the project promotes the use of public libraries to support community health information needs through the use of National Library of Medicine and other quality health education resources.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Talking with Your Doctor: Video Snapshots

This project builds upon the recent successful collaboration between the Albany Medical Colleges Schaffer Library of Health Sciences SLHS, the Division of Community Outreach and Medical Education DivCOME and local public libraries and community based organizations. SLHS and DivCOME will jointly create and promote educational videos focused on the collection and evaluation of health information and patient-provider communication.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Green Thumbs in your Library

In public libraries, Black Girls with Green Thumbs @blackgirlswithgreenthumbs will host a series of community workshops centered on gardening, nutrition, and plant-based cooking. The adaptation of their typical programming for public library audiences in 98 and 97 neighborhoods in Philadelphia and Delaware Counties will be largely influenced by timing. Rather than starting the workshop series with the development of a garden, they will end the programs with the development of a Spring/Summer garden.

November 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
REACH: Resources, Education, and Access for Community Health

In the Show Low, AZ, region there are barriers in receiving relevant, factual information that relates to overall health and wellness. Those barriers primarily exist due to a lack of internet connectivity, access to computers or mobile devices or lack of knowledge on where to find relevant health information.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Healthy Heroes Summer Program

Decatur Public Library has partnered with local fitness and nutrition experts to develop our Healthy Heroes Summer Program 2019. Healthy Heroes combines the power of summer reading with the value of a healthy lifestyle. Rather than focus solely on reading this summer, our Healthy Heroes program will incorporate a fitness challenge and a healthy food choices challenge as well as our typical reading challenge.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Gathering Welcome: Creating a Curriculum to Teach Health Literacy to Immigrant and Refugee 92

Margaret Zimmerman, an Assistant Professor with the University of Iowas UI School of Library and Information Science SLIS requests a grant for a second iteration of her pilot program to develop and implement a health literacy training for immigrant and refugee 92 living in Johnson and Linn counties in Iowa. This grant will build upon Dr. Zimmermans current successful project employing SLIS graduate students to deliver a health literacy course to immigrant and refugee 92. Based upon the findings of the current pilot, Dr.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
Arizona Outreach 2016-2021

This project focuses on key health priorities couched in the framework of social determinants of health that contribute to health disparities in Arizona communities. Outreach activities will connect with the following partners: healthcare providers and 131s embedded in underserved communities; promotoras de salud community health workers; 12s and school associates; Hispanic, Spanish-speaking, and border-region populations; Native American and tribal communities; public librarians; and health agency and community health organization collaborators.

May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2020
Pittsfield Financial Assistance for Professional Development

This is an application for a Professional Development Award to attend the Association of 95 and Small Libraries ARSL conference in Burlington, VT, in September of this year.

May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
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