Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

For awards made during the previous NNLM award period (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2021) please visit Past Funded Projects
To browse our open funding opportunities please visit Funding Opportunities.

On this Page
Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Celebrating Puerto Rican Cuisine in Sacramento Through Nutrition Education and Cooking Classes Sacramento Public Library Sacramento Public Library will partner with the NNLM All of Us Program Center and All of Us Research Program to participate in an author event during National Nutrition Month, participate in outreach, and distribute information about All of Us in order to engage with community members in enrollment and retention for the All of Us Research Program. California
Challenging racism within the context of dental care through ethnic and local media and with libraries as safe, neutral spaces for reaching medically underserved populations San Francisco State University Dental and oral health-care outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities present a stark divide between populations able to access regular dental care, and communities struggling to receive basic and sometimes lifesaving treatment. The public health challenge of racism will be explored within the context of dental care and through the space of public libraries and the participation of ethnic and local media as influential community members. This project — stemming from a larger prospective research effort currently under NIH review (R21 DE032161-… California
Colección para Elevar Voces Latinas/Latines Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center Library   We acknowledge that ORPARC’s physical library sits on the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands belonging to indigenous peoples since time immemorial, and services all of Oregon… Oregon
Collection Equity Award Portland State University This award would fund the purchase of materials supporting resources in the areas of Native, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander health. Portland State University (PSU) is a large urban university, serving students from Portland, its metro area, and beyond. Situated in the middle of the city, PSU campus and its Library are used by the public as well as PSU students, staff, and faculty. Over the last… Oregon
Collection Equity Award Monterey County Free Libraries The official service population falling within the jurisdiction of Monterey County Free Libraries (MCFL) is 230,000 residents. The inland region is largely rural with many remote communities along California’s 101 highway. Agriculture is a major industry in our area and according to the Monterey Farm Bureau, “ California