Current Projects

This page includes awards made during the current NNLM award period (May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2026).

On this Page
Project Title Lead Organization Project Summary Project Start Date Project End Date State
Collection Equity Award Franklin Grand Isle Bookmobile This award will allow our organization to purchase age-appropriate books and information for our patrons in English and Spanish. Currently, our collection is older with many books that are 15 or more years old and do not include many titles for the migrant farm workers we visit. This includes information nonfiction, social/emotional health, and physical health. Unfortunately, we have not been able to keep update books about physical or mental health in our collection due to the speed we get new information and the cost associated with updating resources. We have recently begun… Vermont
Collection Equity Award Everett Public Library In the city of Everett, as well as all of Snohomish County, addiction issues continue to have a large impact on the daily life of the community and are a major health crisis. At the Everett Public Library, staff and customers need quality informational materials on addiction, recovery, and emotional support to deal with this crisis. Washington
Collection Equity Award University of Southern California - Norris Medical Library The Norris Medical Library (NML) plans to expand our Graphic Medicine collection and promote it to our patrons and library community. We will aim to bolster our Graphic Medicine collection and jumpstart activities related to narrative medicine and health equity on campus as well as drive usage of the collection. We will focus on acquiring titles that fill gaps in our existing collection related to… California
Collection Equity Award Portland State University This award would fund the purchase of materials supporting resources in the areas of Native, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander health. Portland State University (PSU) is a large urban university, serving students from Portland, its metro area, and beyond. Situated in the middle of the city, PSU campus and its Library are used by the public as well as PSU students, staff, and faculty. Over the last… Oregon
Collection Equity Award Holy Names University At Holy Names University, 64% percent of the student population identify as people of color. The Paul J. Cushing Library is in the process of creating a new strategic plan that includes collection development goals specifically addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion. We know our current collection does not represent our student demographics and we want to improve and address this issue. A Collection Equity Award would support our work by providing additional funding to meet our new collection development goals. We currently have a running list of resources and materials that… California
last updated: 06/14/24 10:14
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Roles of Participants Project is Intended to Serve
Sexual & Gender Minorities