Margie Sheppard, BSN, MLS

Community Engagement Coordinator - NNLM Region 3, Region 3

Margie Sheppard is the Community Engagement Coordinator for NNLM Region 3. She is based out of the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. Prior to joining NNLM she was a technology consultant for a public library system in rural Kansas. She has an undergraduate degree in Nursing and a Master's in Library Science. She teaches a variety of classes for NNLM and has a passion for connecting people with reliable health information resources.

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Wikipedia + Libraries: NNLM (October 2023) Gain insight into the value of Wikipedia as a viable reference and build the skills and knowledge needed to evaluate articles, with a specific focus on health and medical topics in a self-paced, online class over four weeks. Expect to spend about 2 hours a week exploring through discussion forums, readings, tutorials, and learn about the #CiteNLM Wikipedia edit-a-thon and the free resources, programming and training that NNLM offers to libraries.

Contact Information
