Katherine Majewski

Librarian, OET

Katherine (Kate) Majewski, MLS, is a librarian from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). She is a trainer, instructional designer and technical writer for NLM's Office of Engagement and Training.

Classes I Teach

Event Title Summary
Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials For Librarians: Databases, Tools and Clinical Applications (August 26-December 9, 2024) Registration opens July 1, 2024. This 15-week, 30 credit-hour, self-paced online class reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases.
Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials For Librarians: Databases, Tools and Clinical Applications (January - April 2024) This 14-week, 30 credit-hour, self-paced online class reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases.
Cataloging with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) This 90-minute webinar explores the use of MeSH in the cataloging environment.
Finding and Using Health Statistics This online, self-paced course for librarians and students in health sciences describes different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and where they can be found.
How PubMed Works: Selection This 90-minute class covers issues and concerns surrounding the current publishing landscape; the selection criteria for the different components of the PubMed database and NLM responsibilities and practices in collecting and providing access to the biomedical literature. MEDLINE and PMC staff will be available to answer audience questions.
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Changes and PubMed Searching – On Demand Every year, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are updated. How does this affect your PubMed searches? What happens when a term gets changed, added, removed or moved to a different part of the MeSH hierarchy? How do you accommodate vocabulary changes over time in your comprehensive searches? How do you check your saved searches and alerts? This course, intended for expert searchers, shows you how with brief demos and interactive exercises.
MedlinePlus Tutorial for Librarians and Health Educators This interactive, narrated tutorial provides a tour of the MedlinePlus website and takes about 1 hour to complete.
NLM Office Hours: Dataset Catalog Join NLM staff and learn about the Dataset Catalog.
NLM Office Hours: The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Join us for the next National Library of Medicine (NLM) Office Hours on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 1pm Eastern Time.

This session will focus on the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), a set of files and software available from the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) that brings together many biomedical vocabularies and standards for drugs, diseases, procedures, lab tests, medical devices, organisms, anatomy, genes, and more. The UMLS team will discuss the UMLS Metathesaurus data release files and the UMLS editing process before answering your questions.
Preprints: Accelerating Research (On-Demand) What are preprints, and how are they changing how biomedical research results are shared? This 1-hour, online, self-paced course introduces preprints and how they can be used in literature searching and in sharing your research results with others. 

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