Staff Bio

Bobbi L. Newman, MLIS, MA

Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist, Region 6

She/Her pronouns 

Bobbi Newman is the Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist at Region 6 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine at the University of Iowa Libraries. She is a Senior Librarian and Wellness Ambassador. She helps libraries meet the health information needs of their communities. 

Project manager for outreach and engagement projects, including national symposia and collaborations with national organizations. She managed the 2023 Virtual Health Misinformation Symposium and the 2021 Symposium on library staff health and wellness, with over 3,000 attendees. She led the NNLM partnerships with ALA, PLA, and ARSL. 


She designed the Wellness in the Library Workplace in-person and virtual versions and Bridging The Digital Health Divide: Empowering Library Users part of the , Beyond an Apple a Day 4-hour in-person course, and Stand Up for Health: Health and Wellness in Your Community, online and in-person versions. She has designed and delivered countless presentations

She is the author of Fostering Wellness in the Workplace: A Guide for Libraries (ALA Editions) and editor for the forthcoming A Manager’s Guide to Creating a Flourishing Workplace: Strategies for Fostering Wellness in Libraries (ALA Editions). Bobbi is a mindfulness student and a body acceptance advocate. 





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