Staff Bio
Carolyn Martin, MLS, AHIP
Outreach and Education Coordinator, Region 5
Carolyn Martin focuses on organizations who work with underserved populations such as those who live in rural areas, older adults, those with various abilities, immigrants and refugees, and other minorities. The National Library of Medicine offers a variety of resources on health and science education which she highlights to K-12 educators, school nurses and school librarians to prepare students for biomedical careers as well as to be informed health consumers. Carolyn's interests include, health literacy, genomic health literacy, accessibility, and health news. Carolyn received her undergraduate degree from Goshen College and her MLS from Indiana University. She has been a public librarian and a hospital librarian where working with the public and patients led to her current position. Learn more about Carolyn here
Classes I Teach
Event Title | Summary |
Cancelled. Empowering Communities Through Digital Health Literacy: The Role of Medical and Community Librarians | This session highlights how medical and community librarians can play a transformative role in empowering individuals and communities to navigate digital health tools effectively. |
Challenges for Agricultural Producers and Workers - How to Assist Those on the Front Line | This session will focus on stress management topics of agricultural producers and workers. |
Climate Change and Health in Alaska: Addressing Inequities and Building Resilience | Join us for a talk with Sarah Yoder, Center for Climate and Health at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), about climate change and health in Alaska, particularly how some communities are disproportionately affected. This presentation addresses increasing health equity through information and the NNLM initiative of environmental determinants of health by providing information for a greater understanding of the interconnectedness between climate change and health and how it affects some communities disproportionately in Alaska. |
Consumer Health Collection Management - On Demand | This 4 credit-hour, on-demand class reviews collection management principles and resources for health-related collections in public libraries. |
Consumer Health Information Specialization On-Demand | Discover the basics of providing consumer health information through 8 independent learning modules. Earn up to 8 hours credit towards a Consumer Health Information Specialization. |
Empowering Communities Through Digital Health Literacy: The Role of Medical and Community Librarians | This session highlights how medical and community librarians can play a transformative role in empowering individuals and communities to navigate digital health tools effectively. |
Exploring Complementary and Integrative Health: Information, Resources, and Evaluation | This class will explore the definitions of Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH), encompassing both Eastern and Western medicine perspectives. We will delve into various approaches to CIH, discussing their associated risks and benefits. We will also equip you with strategies to help your users discern trustworthy CIH information and avoid fraudulent claims. |
NNLM Book Discussion What the Eyes Don't See by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha (February 1 - April 30, 2025) | Join us February 1 - April 30, 2025 to discuss the book What the Eyes Don't See by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. |
NNLM Book Discussion, May 2 - July 31, Doing Harm | You are invited to join us for the first NNLM Book Discussion. From May 1 until July 31, join your fellow librarians and read Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick by Maya Dusenbery! |
Social and Economic Determinants and Environmental Health | Dr. Sandro Galea, Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, discusses the intersecting and ineluctable role of a range of social, economic, and environmental factors in shaping the health of populations. This presentation addresses increasing health equity through information and the NNLM initiative of environmental determinants of health by considering the various social, economic, and environmental factors that affect the health of populations. |