NNLM Region 6 Professional Development Funding

NNLM Region 6 Professional Development Funding Opportunity 

As we move forward into Year 4 of our cooperative agreement with the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Region 6 is pleased to announce funding opportunities for our member organizations. 

We are once again offering sponsorship of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Webinars, which provide Region 6 Network libraries, organizations, associations, and other such groups with professional development opportunities for their constituents. Hosts of the webinars can secure continuing education (CE) codes for up to 25 individuals free of charge. Organizations are limited to one event per year. 

In addition, Region 6 is offering a stipend for Network members who wish to provide professional development through other sources. Topics must be health information related and align with the NNLM mission. Continuing education (CE) opportunities or honoraria for invited speakers are two examples of such events. Requested reimbursement may be up to $325 per event and are limited to one per funding year per Network member. 

Funding is awarded on a rolling basis. We look forward to reviewing your applications and providing you with new learning opportunities. Please submit your application here!